Page 3 - Chiropractors_Adjuster_Vol1_No7
P. 3
The Chiropractor Adjuster

Vol. I DECEMBER, 1909 No. 7'


I f your marriage seems a failure,
And your wife is always cross,

And the pleasure o f your life,
Don’t even up with the loss,
It needs an adjustment.

I f your religion is out of fix,
Does not bring the joy it should;

It’s twice as easy to do wrong,
As to do your neighbor good,
You need an adjustment.

I f your business is on the bum,
And nothing seems to pay,

I f expenses more than double
Your income, day by day.
It needs an adjustment.

I f you’re not feeling as you should,
Your digestion out of whack,

With cold and clammy feelings
Crawling up and down your back,
You need an adjustment.

Then consult a Chiropractor,
I f you would be free from chills:

I f you’d have health and happiness,
Quit taking quinine pills.
Take adjustments.

D r E lisa b e th H e l fk ic h .

The Portland School has had their first graduating exercises.
As was Dad Chiro’s time-honored custom, the out-going class
were invited to take dinner with him.
It is needless to say to those who have been honored guests at
the table of Chiropractic’s Fountain Head that they relished
their meal.
By the way, why is the food of restaurants and hotels taste­
less and lack the relish which we find in our homes? Because
their cooks have no loving interest, nothing outside of a mon­
etary value. They fail to magnetize it with an appetizing flavor;
therefore, tasteless. It is a question whether a cook cannot poi­
son his guests by magnetizing the food with hatred.
These love-feasts at the table of the Fountain Head of Chiro­
practic will be remembered with pleasure by their participants.
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