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D IA G N O SIS r^cf

By Herbert Ross Reaver, Sr., D.C. ,

R eprinted from “ The C h iropractor” —V olum e 44, No. 6

Not long ago a young man on his second
visit to the office said, “ You know, Doc, I
was telling the wife last night that I went at
this illness of mine all wrong. Instead of go­
ing around to all you different doctors I
should have gone to the best d____nerve
specialist in town.” His was a case of ex­

treme nervousness.
He had made the
usu al rounds of
medical doctors and
his condition kept
steadily getting
worse until, at the
time I first saw him,
he was hardly able to
keep himself under
control and was about
to lose a very nice

“ What good would
that do you, Bill?” I
asked. “ Well,” he
replied, “ thenlwould
at least know what is the matter with m e.”

This patient, after several months of
Chiropractic service, experienced a com­
plete cure of his condition. He lost no time
from his work and is now-jaijoyijig gooc|H:R
health and has a b r ^ L^ l g ^ EpnCitlieUBHAR,
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