Page 5 - Homecoming Program_1923
P. 5
An Educational i
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\ Lyceum i
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The L yceum program this year is featu red by educational
w ork. L ast year the review course m et w ith such general
fa vor that w e felt an educational course during this Lyceum
w eek w ou ld be m ost a ccep ta b le to the b oy s in the field.

Then again, during the past few years w e have grow n
rapidly, w e have taken on new fa cu lty tim ber and m any
o f these boys you do not know . It should be understood that
w ith one exception, every one o f these m en are signed up for
a period o f five years. D u rin g that tim e they w ill have every
opportunity to grow and develop fa r beyond their present
capabilities. W e feel proud o f these boys and w e know that
you w ill feel proud o f them w hen you have had the oppor­
tunity to hear them on the lecture platform . W e are ju st as
anxious that you should be pleased w ith our fa cu lty and
th eir a b ility as th at w e should be, becau se in the last
an alysis this is your school. It is m ore than the p rop erty o f
an in d ividu al— an ideal in the C h irop ra ctic p rofession . T hey
have w ork ed hard in preparation fo r their places on the
program during this Lyceum w eek and w e w ant you to hear
them and k n ow the kind o f m aterial w e have on the staff
today. A t no tim e in our h isto ry has our w o rk been as w ell
organized or as effectively put over.


H a rry E. V edder is again in ch arg e o f the entire L yceum
program , in the cap acity o f M aster o f Cerem onies. A ll an ­
nouncem ents, such as class m eetings, alum ni m eetings, or
any other announcem ents o f general interest, should be p re­
sented to him , in w ritin g , at the ea rliest p ossible m om ent.
These announcem ents should be signed by the officer hand­
lin g them , in order to avoid the m ista k e o f h a v in g m eetin gs
called by irresponsible parties.


R egistration w ill be held every day o f the Lyceum , and
every person desirin g to attend any o f the sessions should
fill out a reg istra tion card, in lieu o f w h ich he w ill be given
an atten dance card, ad m ittin g him to any and all sessions
of the Lyceum .


A t tim e o f registration, you are given an attendance card.
On this card you r nam e w ill be printed. The card is not
transferable, and on F riday aftern oon or evenin g it should
be returned to the D oor Com m ittee, after w hich a certificate
o f atten dance fo r the Seventh A nnual L yceum w ill be issued
and m ailed to you. T hese certificates w ill not be issued e x ­
cep t as y ou r atten d an ce card is turned in on F rid a y to the
D oor C om m ittee. See that you r fu ll m ailin g address is w rit­
ten plainly on your attendance card.

T h e L y ce u m C e rtifica te o f 1923 is the sam e size, sam e sty le
and m a k eu p as 1921. M a n y c h ir o p r a c to r s p rid e th e m se lv e s
on havin g a com plete set o f Lyceum Certificates. D on ’t break
the chain.

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