Page 6 - Homecoming Program_1942
P. 6

PLEASE W E A R YO U R LYCEUM BADGE to a ll Lyceum lec­
tures a n d activities. You w ill not be adm itted w ithout this

The "N o P arking" zones in front of P.S.C. Buildings should
he kept clear. Your cooperation w ill be appreciated.

Glearview Sanitarium w ill welcome Lyceum guests each
afternoon during Lyceum.

All mail, telegrams, stamps and Government postcards
w ill be ha n d le d at the Registration booth, Room 8 of Second
Floor, The B. J. Palm er C lin ic Building.

Sunday, Monday and Tuesday open house w ill be held
for visiting la d y Lyceum guests from 2 to 4 in the afternoon
in the S igm a Phi Chi Sorority Rooms, Memorial Building.

The D elta S ig m a C hi Fraternity Rooms in the M em orial
Building w ill be open to visitors during Lyceum.

Please notify Registration Departm ent of your Davenport
address a n d a n y changes thereof in order to facilitate d e ­
livery of telegrams, telephone calls a n d urgent messages.

A nyone w ho desires a certificate of attendance to present
to his State Board must report to the Registration Booth each
day, in order to receive full credit for the time he is here.

X-ray Accessory E quipm ent— Room 1, M em orial B uilding
Printery Products, etc.— M ezzanine Floor,
Administration Building
G eneral M erchandise, Tables, etc.— Cafeteria

For the convenience of mothers w ith y o u n g children, a
nursery has been set u p in the P.S.C. Library on the Third
Floor of the M em orial Building. This w ill be open from 1:00
P.M. until after the evening lectures. Your children w ill be
under expert care. Mrs. E tc h in g , P.S.C. Librarian, w ill be
in charge. There w ill be no fee for this service.
conducted through the C lin ic as follows: S aturday— 12 noon
a n d 5 P.M.; S u n d a y — each half hour from 10 A.M. to 5 P.M.;
M o n day thru Thursday— 12 Noon a n d 5 P.M. Be on h a n d
five m inutes before time stated.

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