Page 11 - Homecoming Program_1949
P. 11


A n y o n e desiring a certificate of a tten d a n ce to present to his
state board must report at registration booth upon arrival and
check out w hen leavin g in order to receiv e full time credit.

Please w ear your Lyceum b a d g e to all Lyceum Lectures and
activities. Adm ittance will b e b y b a d g e only.

The "N o Parking” zones in front of the P.S.C. Buildings
should be kept clear. Your cooperation will b e appreciated.

Registration will b e in the hallw ay on the secon d floor of
The B. J. Palm er C hiropractic C lin ic Building. Please notify
Registration Department of your Davenport address and all
ch anges thereof, in order to facilitate delivery of telegram s and
urgent m essages.

The N eu rocalom eter Departm ent is lo ca te d on M ezzanine
Floor— Administration Building.

Adjusting room and table, with N eurocalograph, available
for Lyceum guests, Third Floor— Administration Building.

Printery products on sale, S econ d Floor, Administration Bldg.

X-R ay and Adjusting table display, Third Floor— Adm inistra­
tion Building.

The P.S.C. has chartered the cruiser “ Pipe Dream " and a
sp eed boat for the enjoym ent of Lyceum guests Sunday, A u g­
ust 28th through T u esday, A u gu st 30th. The cruiser w ill m ake
trips from the M unicipal Levee of approxim ately one hour each,
trips le a v in g at 2:00, 3:00, 4:00, 5:00 a n d 6:00 P.M. S p e e d b oa t
rides from 2:00 P.M. through 7:00 P.M. P.S.C. L yceum Ticket
for rides must b e presented at the levee.

Mail and telegram s w ill b e handled at the P.S.C. Student
Post O ffice at rear of Tw ildo, 7:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.

C learview Sanitarium will w elcom e Lyceum guests each aft­
ernoon, from 2:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M., during Lyceum .

co n d u cte d through the C lin ic as follow s: Sunday, A u gust 28th,
tours b e tw e e n 1:00 P.M. a n d 4:30 P.M., ev ery half-hour.

Then on M on day, A u gust 29th through Thursday, S ep tem ber
1st (with the e x cep tion of W ed n esd a y , A u gust 31st, n o tours on
p icn ic d a y ), tours at 5:00 P.M. only.

G roups lim ited to 25 persons. No tours during noon.

. Visitors are w elcom e to study the specim ens in the O steo-
lo g ic a l Studio b e tw e e n 11:00 A.M. a n d 1:00 P.M., a n d 4:00 P.M.
a n d 5:00 P.M.

(P lease d o not ask for s p e cia l favors a s it d isorg an izes the
case schedule and interferes with exacting and efficient clinic
lab work. Visitors please do not use the R eception Room or
other room s of the Clinic exp ect as you are a ca se or com e
with a case.)

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