Page 5 - Homecoming Program_1950
P. 5
M O N D AY , AUGUST 28th


9:00 A.VI.— Lecture, “ They Can’t Take It,” Dr. H. C.
. Hender, Dean of P.S.C. Tent.

9:45 A .M .— Lecture, “ Political W isdom ,” Mr. Georgs
Sheridan, Tacoma, W ashington, Legislative Director,
I.C.A. Tent.

10:30 A .M .— Recess.

10:45 A M . — Lecture, “ Visographic Perception,” Dr. J. C.
Thompson, P.S.C. Faculty. Tent.

11:15 A M . — Lecture, “ Chiropractic Perception,” .Dr. IT.
M. Himes, P.S.C. Faculty. Tent.


9:00 A .M . to 5:00 P .M .— B.J.’s Circus Museum open for
visitors. Admission free.

1 :00 P.M .— Veterans Organization o f P.S.C. Meeting for
Students and Field Members. Dr. Irving A . Shep'
herd, guest speaker. R oom G l .

2:00 P .M .— Ladies Book Review and Informal Tea. Rev.
James Uhlinger o f St. John’s Methodist Church o f
Davenport will review “ The T ow n,” by Conrad
Richter. A ll ladies invited. Gothic R oom o f Masonic
Temple, 7th and Brady Streets.

2 :00 to 7:00 P.M .— Rides on the Mississippi River on
Cruiser “ Pipe Dream,” one hour trips leaving at
2:00, 3:00, 4:00, 5:00 and 6:00 P.M. Speed boat
rides from 2:00 P.M . until 6:45 P.M .

2:00 P .M .— Technic Department will discuss your ad'
justing problems. Room C -8 Basement o f Classroom

3 :00 P.M .— N C M Department will confer with you on

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