Page 2 - Homecoming Program_1953
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B. J. P alm er, D.C., P h .C ..................... ................................................................... .................
H ead Dept, of Philosophy

R a lp h E v a n s........................................ ................ E x e cu tiv e V ice-P resid en t
D. D. P alm er, D.C., P h .C ....................................................V ice-P resid en t
H. C. H end er, D.C., P h .C .— ..........D ean , H e ad D ept, of P sy ch iatry ,

Sym ptom atology
H. C. C h a n c e , D.C., P h .C .............1..:..—D irector P .S.C . S tu d en t C linic,

N eu ro lo g y
K. H. Cronk, D.C., P h .C .................. ..............H ead Dept, of C h em istry,

Physiology, Bacteriology
p . A. R em ier, D.C., P h .C ----- D irector of S p in o g ra p h & X -R a y Dept.
M. B. DeN io, D .C ....................................... ..A ss't D irector of B. J. P alm er

Chiropractic Clinic
G a le n P rice, D.C., P h .C .......................__Ass't H e ad D ept, of P hilosop hy
W . H e ath Q u ig le y , D.C., P h .C .......... ................ D irector of C le a r V iew

Sanitarium , Pathology

D. O. P h a ra o h , D.C., P h .C .............. ............... ..H ead D ept, of A natom y
L. E. G o sse r, D .C .....................................................P rin cip les a n d P ra ctic e ,

Neurology, Neurophysiology
D. O. K ern, D.C., P h .C ................A ss't D irector P .S.C . S tu d en t C lin ic

Principles and Practice (X-ray)
O . W . M urphy, D .C .................................................... A natom y, P h y sio lo g y
H. M. H im es, D.C., Ph.C .......H e ad T e ch n ic D ept., P u b lic S p e a k in g

Philosophy, Sym ptom atology, Business Adm inistration
C. H. K itch en s, D .C ........................ ......... ..........P h y sio lo g y , B a cte rio lo g y
J. C la y Thom pson, D.C., P h .C ...... ..........X -R a y , H y g ien e , N CM -NCG
John R. Q u ig le y , D .C ______H ead Dept, of P rin cip les a n d P ra ctic e ,

Anatomy, Physiology
R obert A. S ilb a u g h , D .C .............. P rin cip les a n d P ra ctic e (T ech n ic)
E lm er L. C row der, D .C ___________- _____ __ P rin cip les an d P ra ctic e

(Technic, NCM-NCG)
R ich a rd L a u b er, D .C ....................... P rin cip les a n d P ra c tic e (T ech n ic)
M arion A n g er, D .C ...................._____P rin cip les a n d P ra ctic e (X -R ay)
V irgil S tra n g , D .C....................................................... ..................... .....A natom y
A ld en S c o g g in s , D .C ..................... P rin cip les a n d P ra ctic e (T ech n ic)
H ow ard Pfeifer, D .C ................. ............ ............... ..C h em istry , P h y sio lo g y
A. Lund e, D .C ........... ........................P rin cip les a n d P ra c tic e (T ech n ic)
H ugh E. C h a n c e ................................................. E th ics a n d Ju risp ru d en ce
Ja ck C ren sh a w , D .C ........... ............. ...... ....... E th ics a n d Ju risp ru d en ce
G e o r g e Huff, D .C ......... ................ ............In su ra n ce E x a m in ers C ourse
G ordon L. G u n n in g ................. .............................. ............R eg istrar, E th ics,

Business Adm inistration
R a lp h V o lk m a n n ...............................................................A ssista n t R e g istra r
O tto S c h ie m b e c k ....................... ....... .........H ead , N eu ro calo m e ter Dept.
V ern e Link................................ ............. Su p t. B u ild in g s an d G round s
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