Page 3 - Homecoming Program_1959
P. 3

B. J . P alm er, D .C., P h .C ....................................................................................................................
Dept, o f Philosophy

R alph Evans.............................................................................Executive V ice-President
D. D P alm er, D .C ., P h.C ........................................................................ Vice-President
H . C. Hender, D .C., P h.C ................................................................Dean. Psychiatry

Sym ptom atology

W . D. W agner........................................................................................................ Secretary
K . H. Cronk, D .C., P h.C ............................................................................. .....Chemistry

Physiology, Bacteriology

P . A . Rem ier, D .C., P h.C ........................Director o f Spinograph & X -R ay Dept.
M. B. DeNio, D.C ............. A ss’ t D irector o f B. J. Palm er C hiropractic Clinic
Galen P rice, D .C ., P h.C .................................................................................. Philosophy
W . Heath Quigley, D .C ., P h.C ...........................................D irector o f Clear V iew

Sanitarium, Pathology

D. 0 . Pharaoh, D .C ., Ph.C ................................................................................ A natom y
L . E. Gosser, D .C ..................................................................Principles and P ractice,

Neurology, Neurophysiology

D. O. K ern, D .C ., P h .C ..........................................................................Student Clinic
Principles and Practice (X -R a y)

H . M . Himes, D .C., Ph.C ........................Director o f Student C linic, Philosophy,
Business Adm inistration

J . Clay Thom pson, D .C., P h .C .................................. X -R a y, H ygiene, N CM -NCG
John R . Quigley, D .C .............................................................. Principles and Practice

Chemistry, Pathology

O. W . M urphy................................................................................. A natom y, Physiology
E lm er L . Crowder, D .C .......................................................... Principles and Practice

(Technic, NCM -NCG), Public Speaking

M arion A n ger, D.C................................................ Principles and Practice (X -R a y )
V irgil Strang, D.C...........................................................................- ................. A natom y
Sidney Cook, D.C..........................................................................Chem istry, P hysiology
H . Dale Evans, D .C ...........................................Principles and P ractice (T ech n ic)
A rthur L. M anus, D .C ...................................... Principles and Practice (T ech n ic)
James Kern, D .C ................................ Principles and P ractice (X -R a y , Technic)
Ray T. Kern, D.C......................................................................B acteriology, Chemistry
J. Millman, D.C..................................................................................................... Chemistry
H arry A ndrew s, M .D ................................................................. P athology, Physiology
Levern Chance, D.C.................................................................................. Student Clinic
Sherman A llen D.C.......................................... Principles and Practice (T echnic)
C. E. A lsop, D.C .................................................... Principles and Practice (X -R a y )
J. J. Kehoe, D.C.................................................Principles and Practice (T ech n ic)
D. E. Stoops, D.C............................................... Principles and Practice (T ech n ic)
Joseph H. Phillips, D.C............... .................... Principles and P ractice (T e ch n ic)
R aym ond U rsillo, D .C .............................................................B acteriology, Chemistry
Carmen Palm er, D.C.................................................................................................Technic
Pauline Carswell, D .C .................................................................Technic and Research
L . G. Fraser, D .C ......................................................................... Technic and Research
John M. Carswell, D .C ........... ................................................... Technic and Research
Lyle J. N agel, D.C ....................................................................... Technic and Research
Hugh E. Chance.................................................................... Ethics and Jurisprudence
Otto Schiernbeck........................ ................................................ N eurocalom eter Dept.
Fred G. Edwards..........................................................................M gr. P .S .C . P rintery
Verne Link.........................................................................Supt. Buildings and Grounds
W alter S ie b ....................................................................................................... Publications
W . B. Gehlsen........................................................................................................... A uditor
Ralph V o lk m a n n ...................................................................................................Registrar
Charles H inckley........................................................................................... Adm in. Asst.
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