Page 3 - Homecoming Program_1961
P. 3

9:00-6:00— Registration for H om ecom in g— Twildo.

A special professional golf match between two
of the lead in g golfers in the w orld, Arnold
Palmer and G a ry Player, is b ein g held in
Davenport Saturday afternoon. The two golfers
will hold a clinic at 1 p.m., a n d the match will
start at 2 p.m., at the Emeis cou rse on W est
Locust Street, one-half mile w est of the Mis­
sissippi V alley fairgrounds. The match is spon ­
sored b y the Davenport Junior Cham ber of
C om m erce. Tickets are a v a ila b le in Dr. Palmer's


9:00-6:00— Registration for H om ecom in g— Twildo.

4:00-6:00— President and Faculty Reception for all
visitors and guests of H om ecom ing— Library,
Men's Dormitory (formerly Immaculate C on­
ception Academ y, entrance betw een Brady
a n d Main on 8th St.)

5:30— Iow a C lub Banguet— Pronger's Riverside

.7:30— Palmer C ollege Chorus— Tent. Under direction
of Arthur and Helen Cassling.

Address of W elcom e: M ayor Don A. Petruccelli
of Davenport

Invocation: The Very Rev. W illiam W. Swift,
D.D., Trinity E piscopal Cathedral, Davenport

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