Page 6 - Hour_Arrived
P. 6
The Hour Has Arrived

Chapter I


OLD terms are here used in the NEW sense. Unless each word is
read with the NEW understanding, its full application will have been lost.
NEW interpretations of OLD terms, bring forth NEW definitions. If,
as you read, you are in doubt as to the intended NEW meaning, we suggest
you refer this glossary of NEW definitions of OLD terms. Some defini­
tions include less than formerly; others more. Some are broadened, others
narrowed in principle and practice. In no sense, does any change any
principle or practice from the original conception of Chiropractic.

MISALIGNMENT is a condition of three correlated vertebrae, less than
a SUBLUXATION, which possesses all the former elements of what we
then construed as a SUBLUXATION, but which is NOT a SUBLUXA­
TION in fact. A MISALIGNMENT could be a vertebra out of alignment
with its corespondents above and below; palpation would reveal all the
former elements of a “ subluxation” as formerly construed by palpation
in this abnormal relationship; the spinograph would prove the existence
of a MISALIGNMENT and, under former constructions would call it a
“ subluxation” ; it could have contiguous taut fibres, tender nerves, or con-
tractured muscles; and, under former construction would be called a “ sub­
luxation” ; it could even have contiguous to itself, on one or both sides,
NCM nerve pressure heat peak readings—and still not be a SUBLUXA­
TION in fact. A MISALIGNMENT could as well exist in a dead body
as in a live one. (See definition of SUBLUXATION by contrast.)

ALIGNMENT is a condition of three correlated vertebrae when they
are in apparent approximate normal relationship to each other and does
not prevent any of the elements noticed under MISALIGNMENT.

REALIGNMENT is what might happen to a vertebra as the result of
an action upon the part of an external agency; using applied force, either
violent or passive, internal or external, which changes a MISALIGN­
MENT to an ALIGNMENT; in which any one or group thereof, or all of
the elements which make a MISALIGNMENT may be eliminated, or pres­
may not TEMPORARILY change any of the elements of one to that of
the other, but would only do so PERMANENTLY accidentally.

SUBLUXATION is a condition of three correlated vertebrae, more than
a MISALIGNMENT, which have in part lost their normal relationship in
juxtaposition, where it DOES occlude a foramin; DOES produce pres­
sures upon nerves; DOES offer interference to transmission; DOES create
resistance to transmission of mental impulse supply between brain and
body; and DOES thereby become THE cause of dis-ease in one or multiple
places in the body below, or above.

SUBLUXATION can be ascertained as to location ONLY by the use
of some delicate and sensitive instrument which CAN ascertain the pres­
ence of the above existing elements. A SUBLUXATION may or may not
possess any or all of the elements present in a MISALIGNMENT; none
of which, if present, make it a SUBLUXATION; none of which, if ab­
sent, make it any the less a SUBLUXATION. A SUBLUXATION can
exist only in a LIVE body.

A SUBLUXATION could have any, all, or none of the earmarks of a
MISALIGNMENT but a MISALIGNMENT would have only some or none
of the earmarks of itself and none of those of a SUBLUXATION.

The elements of a SUBLUXATION are:
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