Page 5 - Palmer_Yearbook_1931
P. 5
NE C. BRUHN "The years touched thee hut lightly, and thy work

Leone ran the gamut from Freshman to Senior, but it took
the* best part; of two years to do It,

has maintained a high record through out her sojourn in
our halls (Correction,- HALL) of learning, El-Ce took
part in B.J.'s Lyceum Clinic, and very capably carried
\ out her senior committee work.

BLANCHE A. BURGART "To all appearances meek and quiet, but--

Now, this little girl did strive in her studies, and ac-
cording to the custom of the land, she did her work: she
served many masters, but only one KINK (Apologies to
Chic Sale),. This seeker of knowledge also did many
strange contortions on the adjusting platform, and final­
ly attaining a degree of perfection, she landed at B.J.'s
Lyceum Clinic. She belongs to the Sigma Phi Chi.

GEORGE L. COLE "There is nary a flaw in his 'steel1."

When the class President asked for volunteers to work on
any committee, George was always Johnny-on-the-spot. He
played center on the Varsity Basketball Squad and won
his letter. George, your adjusting ability is the envy
of many students. We certainly send him off to Peru, In­
diana, with every wish for a most successful future.

TYRELL H. DUNCOMBE "'Tis a happy time when fellows like him get to­

"WANTED; A first class comedian, lover, toreador, chauf­
fer, and student executive. Apply at P.S.C."

Little Tyrell read the above advertisement in the Bing-
ville Buggle of Bingville, Fla., and hastily packed his
carpet-bag for. a sojourn at Davenport. Ty was our Junior
Class President, an officer of the Holy Rods, and a mem­
ber of the Atheletic Association; fair young maiden in
a recent assembly vaudeville skit and the worried hus­
band in the rural free delivery.

ROBERT H. GIBBS "A foot more light, a step more true
N e ’er from the kitchen dashed the stew."

Bob was the Freshman President, Faculty Representative
for the Senior Class, and was awarded a letter in tennis
He belongs to the Pi Chi Phi, the Loyal Five, and the
Trowel Club. When he joined the Noble Order of Freshmen,
he was promptly initiated in the Bus Boys' Union. This
organization did not furnish enough excitement for him,
so he joined the very select Order of Kitchen Knaves.
From the very first day he was marked as a go-getter,
and succeeded in dragging down many honors for his lit­
tle self. Ho goes to California, taking with him our
hearty best wishes.
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