Page 10 - Stepping_Stones_1942
P. 10
(C on ten ts

1. Ginger .......................................................................... 13
2. A Sumatran Interlude .............................................. 19
3. On With the Dance .................................................. 35
4. I Meet a M ission a ry .................................................. 41
5. Pate Intervenes .......................................................... 55
6. The Honorable Mr. C h e n .......................................... 59
7. Wings ............................................................................ 71
8. The Pyramid, the Sphinx,the D e s e r t ..................... 79
9. The Filigree Necklace .............................................. 87
10. The Isles o f P a ra d ise ................................................ 95
11. Edna .............................................................................. 119
12. The Little Treasure Box ................................... 127
13. The Eyes That Held a S e c r e t .................................. 131
14. Windsor L a d ................................................................ 139
15. A Reverie .................................................................... 147
16. The Braided R u g ........................................................ 157
17. The Blond Lady from I n d ia ...................................... 163
18. Footprints in the Sandte o f T im e ........................... 171
19. Jim and A n n ie ............................................................ 191
20. Kismet .......................................................................... 195
21. Bali ................................................................................ 201
22. The Yellow Flag ........................................................ 215
23. Christmas Eve and Far A w a y ................................ 219
24. Repentance .................................................................. 227
25. A S o lilo q u y .................................................................. 233
26. A Memoir .................................................................... 251
27. Out o f the P a s t .......................................................... 257
28. The Amah .................................................................... 269
29. Strange Bed F e llo w s .................................................. 273
30. The Island of the Blue H o riz o n .............................. 277
31. Jade .............................................................................. 295
32. A Desert Night .......................................................... 303
33. The Salt S e a ................................................................ 309
34. Two Satsuma Vases .................................................. 314
35. Blow, Wind, B l o w ............. ........................................ 331
36. Monkeys ...................................................................... 335
37. “ Bikets” for the Lady .............................................. 345
38. The Dilemma .............................................................. 347
39. The River o f Fire ...................................................... 353
40. Sack Cloth and S a b le s .............................................. 365
41. A Siamese Story ........................................................ 371
42. Two Wayside Pictures .............................................. 387
43. A Gem o f I n d ia .......................................................... 391

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