Page 5 - Story_Of_Craniopathy
P. 5


This book was first published in 1936. Now

it's 1963 -- twenty seven years later.

_, v cS-n^ocf
I ve been a doctor for almost fifty years .£f-

now, seeing patients with all kinds of ill­

ness every day. Soon I'll be eighty, but I
feel vital, and still have the burning d e ­

sire to be helpful to humanity. Craniopathy

still isn't widely "accepted" but at least

the word is now listed in the medical

dictionary — although with a negative

connotation. Through the years the theories

in this book have been praised by the

relatively few who have taken the time

to investigate and^put the Ideas into

practice. Most of the others seem content

to ignore or ridicule or condemn. So

please realize that you are reading about

ideas which explore b e y o n d the

common, ordinary beaten path of health


When this book went out of print, my son
took the main ideas and re-wrote them in
the book HEAD FIRST FOR HEALTH -- but even
that was too controversial for most
people and is now also out of print.
Because I keep getting so many inquiries
about Craniopathy I decided to reprint this
original book and leave it up to you, the
reader, to decide for yourself.

As I carefully read through thigrttyHPB tftLMEP

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