Page 6 - Homecoming Program_1921
P. 6


W e want you to feel that THE Lyceum and Home­

Coming is a week devoted to you and your interests. For

fifty-one weeks in the year we devote our energy to teach­

ing Chiropractic in the most efficient, possible manner. This

one week, only, is set aside as a gathering o f the clans for

oldtimes’ sake. W e know what THE means to the Chiro­

practic profession. Those Chiropractors who are graduates

o f this Institution, know our spirit; know that they can re­

turn here and find us, in truth, a fountain o f rejuvenation

in the Chiropractic world.

To you boys who are graduates of other schools, we ex­
tend that same hearty greeting, and ask you to join with us
in that same spirit o f good fellowship which is distinctive
o f this institution. W e want you to know that you are wel­
com e; that our latchstring is out to every one o f you. If
we can give you, during this week, something which will be
o f service— something which will give you a bigger and
broader idea o f the service you are rendering to your fellow -
man— we will have been well repaid. Above all, we want
you to know that you receive the same welcome as though
you were returning to your own Alma Mater, and we want
you to feel when you go back to your practice that no un­
pleasant incident has marred the pleasure o f your visit with
us. W e want you to have the same kindly feeling for. this
institution that we have for you.
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