Page 4 - Patients_Entering_BJClinic
P. 4
mer College Archivesthe adjustment, but we also have equally unusual,
effective precautionary measures TO KEEP THE

Observe carefully and conscientiously follow
instructions and advice, for YOUR good, to re­
duce your stay here, to hasten your early restora-
tion of health. These instructions are issued in
advance so you can ponder and prepare your-
self to cooperate with us with as much interest
as you demand highest service from us.

1. Arise off adjusting table, with no twists
of head or strains of neck.

2. Do not, at other times, twist or jerk head
sidewise or bend head excessively forward
or backward. Keep head and neck free
of all strains.

3. W e convey you in ambulatory-chair-couch
to rest room. Place your head to fit into
the headpiece and keep it relaxed.

4. In transferring from ambulatory-chair-
couch to rest bed, exercise same care re­
garding protection of movements of head
or strains on neck.

5. On days you receive an adjustment, rest
not less than two hours, three hours being
better. RELAX A ND SLEEP if pos­
sible—and it usually is. That is why we
emphasise the established precaution of

6. After leaving Glinic daily, continue to
use extra precautions. Many subluxations
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