Page 5 - Patients_Entering_BJClinic
P. 5
mer College Archives are created during sleep and dreams; slips
and twists as well as falls, running to
catch buses, etc.; subluxations once ad­
justed can be thrown out easily until they
become anchored.

7. H O W to rest with greatest value follow-
ing adjustment. W e “ set” a vertebra
that W A S subluxated. You will get
well with greater speed according to the
length of time it stays in position. Don’t
twist, jerk, wrench, suddenly rotate, or
quickly turn head to see something. Use
extreme caution and care. This applies to
all your time while here, but more par­
ticularly after an adjustment. Get up
from bed carefully. In resting, He on back
(if possible), head, neck, and back relaxed.
Preferably, go to sleep. This will HELP
set adjustment more firmly and perm­
anently. To keep vertebra adjusted is to
restore health quicker and cut down your
cost. T o throw it out frequently is to de­
lay restoration of health and increase
your cost. W e urge you, become “ neck
conscious” carrying out these rules here
as well as home when you leave here.

8. In the unfortunate event you should, at
a subsequent date, create your vertebral
subluxation again, we will adjust it again
and all previous corrective, as well as pre­
cautionary measures will need be repeat­
ed. The more adjustments necessary the
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