Page 3 - Chiropractor_Vol2_No5_6
P. 3


HISTORICAL: Chiropractic was discovered by D. D. Palmer, o f
Davenport, Iowa, in September, 1895. He has developed it into a
well defined science that has no resemblance whatevif to any thera­
peutical method. Relief is given by adjustments that are un oue and
unlike any movements used by any other school. .

DEFINED: Chiropractic is the science of adjusting by hand, all
sub-luxations of the 'three hundred articular joints o f the
human skeletal frame, more especially the 52 articulations of the
spinal column, for the purpose of freeing impinged nerves, which

cause abnormal functions.
All movements of or in the body, (including circulation)

whether normal or not, are but functions of nerves. An ache or pain
is but the sensation of nerves.

Every act and thought is controlled by nerves; they furnish

the life of the body.
The body is heat by calorific nerves, whether the heat is fur­

nished in normal quantity as in health, or in abnormal amounts as
in fevers, excessive heat, whether in a portion or the whole of the

W e are well when the innate and educated nerves are free to

Disease is abnormal function.
Innate nerves control all the vital functions o f assimilation, cir­

culation and respiration, asleep or awake. Dreams are sensations of

the innate nerves.
Diseases are but the result of impinged nerves. Nearly all of

these are caused by vertebral sub-luxations which impinge nerves.
These displacements are caused by accidents, or by poisons, whether
introduced by inhalation, food, drink, or by the outrageous practice
of the physician who inserts vaccine poison in a healthy body.

Chiropractors use the long bones and spinous processes as han­
dles to adjust displacements; by so doing they release pinched

CHIROPRACTOR— One who knows the science of Chiropractic

and how to adjust displaced vertebrae by the articular processes of
the skeletal frame.

D. C.— The sign used to designate one who practices Chiro­

TREAT— (W ebster)— To care for medicinally or surgically;

to manage in the use of remedies or appliances; as, to treat a dis­
ease, a wound or a patient.

ADJUST— (W ebster)— To make exact; to fit; to make corres­
pondent or conformable; to bring into proper relation.

ADJUSTMENT— The name of the action of the Chiropractor
when he replaces displacements of the bony frame.

LUXATION— Where two articulating surfaces have wholly lost

their proper connection.
SUB-LUXATION— Incomplete— where articulating surfaces

have in part lost their proper apposition.
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