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Chiropractic is an immense field.

Send for our School Announcement.

Advertising rates furnished on application.

If you desire a profession, learn Chiropractic.

Issued monthly by The Palmer School of Chiropractic.

A blue pencil mark here means an expired subscription.

The work to be done by Chiropractors is almost unlimited.

When you receive a sample copy it is an invitation to subscribe.

Address all communications to B. J. Palmer, D. C., Davenport,
la., U. S. A.

By the use of the science of Chiropractic you will make the
world better.

If you want a profession that has backbone, send for our school

Anyone desiring extra copies for distribution, write us and we
will forward them.

To be sure of receiving THE CHIROPRACTOR regularly, re­
mit 50 cents— do it now.

Price 5 cents per copy. Subscription, 50 cents a year, which
may be sent in postage stamps.

W e will be pleased to receive your subscription for THE CHI­
ROPRACTOR, also that of your friends.

THE CHIROPRACTOR may be sent to you by a friend. Do not
refuse it because you have not subscribed. It is yours.

If you send us the addresses of those whom you think would
like THE CHIROPRACTOR, we will mail each a sample copy.

Chiropractic is a newly discovered science, it is up to date, It
has always been beyond all others, it is remunerative, it is practical
in every way, it is a fact, it is progressive, it is fascinating, it will
make you and others happy.
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