Page 6 - Chiropractor_Vol2_No5_6
P. 6

How long will a war-mad-world sacrifice its saviors and build
monuments to those who make murder 'legitimate?

Scott County, Iowa, imposed a fine o f $350, then, by offering me
the privilege, invited me to board it out ait $3.33 a day.

Soott County, Iowa, gave me $3.33 a day to board with them,
they can afford it as it only costs 'them 50 cents a day.

Massive jails are not mausoleums of liberty, but stepping
stone® upon which humanity 'tread into 'the ligthit o f freedom.

Our criminal laws with 'their penalties treiat effects. The time
is coming when Chiropractors will adjust the cause of crime.

I did mot invite my wife to visit me until the 5th day o f my con­
finement for my cell had to be cleaned and I was the one to do it.

W e licen»e necessary evils. The fact that medicine requires a
license of 'those who practice it, is an admission that it is a neces­
sary evil.

I was sentenced to jail because I commited the crime o f ‘‘Pub­

licly professing to cure and heal.” Not 'thait I hiaid killed, crippled

or injured anyone. '

More clinical (reports next issue. D. C’s send in reports of some-
of your cases. Make them brief, to the point, where you adjusted
and the results that followed.

The article 'headed “ Chiropractic Sunbeams,” was written be­
tween the hours of one and three o ’clock in the morning, while a
prisoner in Soott County, Jail.

Thirty-seven pure and unadulterated Chiropractors will be
placed in the field nine months hence. Let us hear from those cities,
wanting a P. S. C. Graduate.

A great quantity o f very interesting matter is crowded out of
this issue. Subscribe for THE CHIROPRACTOR ($.50 per year)
and get every copy.

' This issue, altho double, is more than twice «!S large. We wanted
the Jail Issue complete, should we have asked each subscriber
whether to put it in one or tw o issues, I am sure “ one” would have
been the unanimous reply.
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