Page 3 - Homecoming Program_1931
P. 3
U A L P. S. C. L Y C E U M a.

2 :00 P.M.— Spinograph and X -ray instruction in the
latest developments. New technique concern­
ing th e full Spine film, and in te rp retatio n on
reading of plates. Dr. Richardson and Dr.

Clyde Hall in charge.

2:00 P.M.—Jam m ie Heron—“L ittle Humor and Wee Bit
o’ Scotch.” The L aym an’s P oint of View.”
Dr. Fred Kabana—General discussion and
open m eeting by Field men on their problems.
General exchange on thoughts and new ideas,
which have m et w ith success and brought in­

creased business—Auditorium.

7:00 P.M.—Special showing of B .J’s and Mabel’s film,
“Way Down Under.” Sensational and edu­
cational films taken by them on their latest
trip to A ustralia, New Zealand, South Seas
and the Orient. (B .J’s running comments
throughout the picture make this evening one
of the outstanding program s of the Lyceum.
(Admission by registration tickets only.)

10:30 P.M.—Concert in Cool Twildo.

10:30 P.M.—Boxing Exhibition—three 6-round bouts and
two 3-round bouts—Stone Court—Admission

by R egistration Ticket only.

Thursday, August 27th

8:00 to 9:30 A.M.—F o u rth group of Dr. M arlow ’s in stru c­
tions on how to build a successful Chiroprac­
tic practice—Room 7, Classroom Building.
—Red Tickets.

9:15 A.M.— Group Singing— Auditorium .

9:30 A.M.—F ou rth course of B .J’s Lyceum Clinic—A udi­
to riu m .

2:00 P.M.—NCM Technique—NCM No. 2—W. L. H eath,

2:00 P.M.—Delta Sigma Chi F ratern ity Initiation.

2:00 P.M.— Sigma Phi Chi Sorority Initiation.

4:00 P.M.— Clinic on M ental Cases. Clearview Sani­
tarium (Special busses in front of Adminis­
tration Building).

7:00 P.M.—Sorority and F ra tern ity Banquet.
8:15 P.M.—Big Lyceum Carnival on Stone Court (some­

thing new, something different). Carnival
sponsored by Senior Class and promises to be
very original and lots of fun. Concert upon
the Stone Court by the P.S.C. band.
P.S.C. Bathing Beauty Contest.
10:30 P.M.— Concert in Cool Twildo.

Friday, August 28th

8:00 to 9:30 A.M.—F ifth group of Dr. M arlow’s instru c­

tions on how to build a successful Chiroprac­

tic practice—Room 7, Classroom Building.

•—W hite Tickets.

9:15 A.M.— Group Singing—A uditorium . __

9:30 A.M.—F ifth course of B .J’s Lyceum Clinic— Audi­

torium .
2:00 P.M.—This afternoon will be spent in talks by P.S.C.

Faculty members. Consultation and general

instructional work.
Giving of prizes and aw arding of loving cups.
4:00 P.M.— Clinic on M ental Cases. Clearview Sani­
tarium (Special busses in front of Adminis­

tration Building).

8:30 P.M.—Annual Lyceum dance.
Every evening afte r the program the P.S.C. O rchestra

will give a concert in Twildo.

Admission to all Lyceum Lectures and Classes by pres­
entation of R egistration Ticket Only.
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