Page 5 - Delta_Sigma_Chi_Handbook_1918
P. 5
nd B ook o f the D elta Sigm a Chi Fraternity 3

It was then m oved and seconded that we adjourn until
Thursday evening. The motion was carried.

Respectfully submitted,
H. A. HUGHES, Tem porary Secy.

M on d ay evening, July 14, 1913.

The men present w ere:
H. A . Hughes, J. D. Hills, J. H. Reardon and H. I). Cummings


On account of absence of several men the second meet­
ing was p ostp on ed till F riday evening, July 18, 1913, when
the m eeting was held at the home o f H. A . Hughes to hear
the report o f the committee.

The meeting was called to order by chairman J. H. Rear­
don, who asked the secy, to read the minutes o f the previous
meeting. The minutes stood approved as read.

U pon the conclusion o f the com m ittee’ s report, a motion
was made and seconded that the report be accepted by the
organization as read. The m otion was carried after which
those present signed the constitution and by-laws. The name,
D elta Sigma Chi, was adopted.

Another motion that the charter membership be limited
to 12 men was m ade and carried.

A nother m otion, that present officers continue in office
until com pletion of charter membership was made and car­

A m otion was then made that we adjourn until M onday
evening, July 21, 1913, when an effort would be made to have
full charter membership present and hold an election o f o f­
ficers for the ensuing year.

R espectfully submitted,

H. A . H U G H ES, Tem . S ec’}'.

The organization finally settled on a charter membership
o f twenty as the follow in g report show s:

“ M E E T IN G O F A U G . 14, 1913.

M eeting called to order by the president. Minutes of
last meeting read and approved.

A motion was made and carried that the charter mem­
bership again be reconsidered and list extended to twenty,
s o as to include five members from the Palm er school.

A new committee was apointed to look after the ritual
w ith the president as chairman and O ’Brien, Burich, and G ear-
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