Page 6 - Delta_Sigma_Chi_Handbook_1918
P. 6
and B ook o f the D elta Sigm a Chi F raternity

heart assisting. A motion was then made and carried that
the charter list o f twenty members including the names below
be closed for the last time.


Name Student o f Home Address

H A R O L D A. H U G H E S ............(D .C .C .).. .M ed icin e Hat, Can.

J A Y D U D L E Y H IL L S ..............(D .C .C .)...............Detroit, Mich.

JO H N H. IlE A R D O N .............. (D .C .C .)............ M ilw aukee, W is.

S. E. J U L A N D E R ....................... ( D .C .C .) ...........Des M oines, la.

J. E. C U M M IN S......................... (D .C .C .).................D avenport, la.

H A R R Y D. C U M M IN G S......... (U .C .C .) . .F t. Lauderdale, Fla.

E A R L C. D IC K IN S O N ..............( D .C .C .) ____ Cedar R apids, la.

C H A R L E S E. W E Y L A N D .. . . ( U .C .C .) ................ C hicago, 111.

C. T. M c C R E A ............................ (U .C .C .)...............A llian ce, O hio

W M . E. B E N D E R ....................... (U .C .C .)...............M eadville, Pa.

L Y N N H. G E A R H E A R T ......... ( U .C .C .) ............... B uffalo, N. Y .

JO H N W A L S H ............................(U .C .C .)................M unhall, Pa.

G E O . B. D IX O N ......................... (U .C .C .) ____ W aukeshau, W is.

A R T H U R S A X E ......................... ( I ® ) .......................... A lbion , 111.

J A M E S . N. F IR T H .....................( K £ ) ..................... Sterling, M ich.

S T E V E J. B .U R IC H ...................( U S ) .......................... B eloit, W is.

C H A S. C. S M IT H .......................(E S P )...............W atertow n , S. D.

M . A . O ’ B R IE N ............................( I » ) ....................Syracuse, N. Y .

............................................................(N ineteenth m em ber exp elled )

C. E. M O Y E R S ......... .................. (U .C .C .).................D avenport, la.

On page 45 o f the record appears the account o f the
first Initiation held by the fraternity.

“ M INU TES M E E TIN G OCT. 9, 1913.

First Initiation

M eeting called to order by the president, H. A. Hughes,
w ho instructed each m ember on his part to be taken in the
initiation at this time. The four men initiated w ere as fo l­
low s: Peterson, Mills, M ecr and Kirkpatrick. This was the
first initiation o f Delta Sigma Chi and was a great success.
It was voted to hold the second initiation O ct. 23, tw o w eeks
later. A fter the ceremonial the oath was administered to the
neophytes and a new list o f men was then voted on. Tw en­
ty-three out o f tw enty-eight p assin g; five rejected .

M oved to adjourn— carried.
Respectfully submitted,

CHAS. E. W E Y L A N D , Sec’y.

A t the m eeting o f Nov. 6, 1913, B. J. Palm er was initi­
ated into the mysteries o f the order. B rother Palm er, who is
president of The Palmer School o f Chiropractic, was unani­
m ously elected as H on orary President o f the fraternity at the
m eeting o f Jan. 14, 1918.
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