Page 5 - Neurocalometer_Address
P. 5

Chiropractic was named in 1896. In 1896 Chiropractic knew
and did only what the name indicates— “ hand done.” Today, you
know only too well, how we have long since outgrown that name.
Chiropractic is not an art alone now of doing something with the
hands. It is a science. It is a philosophy, growing more scientific­
ally and more philosophically correct every year of its life. The
same is true of the word “ Neuro-cal-o-meter” (nerve-heat-measure-
ment). That was the name that was coined in the very beginning
of the research work on this subject.

It is true when we started out, we did so with the single inten­
tion of proving the existence of the hotbox, but no sooner was it
proven than the idea jumped away ahead and away beyond that
until the scope outgrew its name. Incidentally, might I suggest
to you that at no time have we ever had any occasion to change the
name in part or toto from the original name coined. We have never
had any occasion to scratch out any part of it, or to make any sub­
stitutions on any part of it, because though the art may have
stolen far ahead of this baldheaded friend of mine that sits on the
platform (referring to Dr. Evins), the names Chiropractic and
Neurocalometer will still continue to apply, even though they have
been outgrown.

For 28 years there have been three dreams that I have wanted
to prove by way of a demonstration to convince us as well as the
patient, all of which were to be of value in helping us to render
better service to the sick.

The first of these was to prove the ACTUAL existence of the
subluxation,— to prove that subluxated vertebrae actually existed.
Oh, you can go back to the day when we said there were sublux­
ated vertebrae and the physician said there was no such thing.
We said, “ But he feels it move.” He said, “ Oh, yes, I feel my fin­
ger moving, too.” “ But,” we said, “ we hear it crack.” He pulled
his finger and said, “ Yes, I hear it crack, too.” “ Well, but he
hears it crack.” “ Why, of course, if he pulls my finger, he hears
it crack. That does not prove subluxation yet to be a fact,” and we
said, “ You are right,” and we were silent. So my first great dream
was to prove the existence of that which had been up to that time
a theory, a working hypothesis of an idea, of a demonstrable fact.
Today everybody takes vertebral subluxations as a proven fact, as
no longer being in doubt, yet when the X-Ray was first applied to
the vertebral column by the speaker, the opposition to it was local
as well as foreign. There are some of you who were here about 14
years ago when that was done that will remember that when I
attempted to introduce the spinograph as a study in this school,
the student body of this school at that time got up and rebelled
and said they would quit the school cold if I insisted upon them
studying it. Well, in order to get them to take it, we soaked on a
fifty dollar fee for i t ; then they liked it. And it was only last year
or the forepart of this year that we have adopted it officially as
a part of our regular curriculum without additional fee. What a
travesty, isn't it? But after the X-Ray discovered the vertebral
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