Page 6 - Neurocalometer_Address
P. 6

subluxation and proved its existence, we then turned the X-Ray
right over into a spinographic method of determining the correct
analyses of verifying the subluxation. The first step was merely
to prove that there was such a thing. Having proven that it was,
we used it then to verify the spinal analyses.

Now, the second of these great dreams was to prove that beyond
a vertebral subluxation there was a pressure upon nerves which
actually did hinder a normal flow of mental impulse energy, that
this interference was at the intervertebral foramina, that the
quantity hindered could be measured. The Neurocalometer does
that— and more. By its very process of proving the exact spot of
specific measured resistance to transmission, it proves minute and
exact degrees of resistance to transmission beyond any other known
means of registration, thus measuring the proportion of quantity
transmission as well as varying degrees of temperature, in direct
ratio to the amount of pressure at all places along either or both
sides of the spine, thus indicating majors exactly and specifically,
which have heretofore escaped any known means of hypothecat­
ing, believing or knowing.

You know, that language would sound wonderful, in that par­
ticular paragraph, wouldn’t it, as one of the claims of a process.
I would not say that it was; I would not do that. But it would
sound wonderful, if it were, wouldn’t it?

Well, for years I have been searching for, hunting, studying and
developing subjects, ways and means, all of which have focalized
themselves to the elimination of the guess in the place, the way
and the how to get sick people well by adjusting the causes in the
vertebral column.

Have you ever thought of it seriously? I have never gotten
away from the back. I have never gone around to the belly— al­
ways stayed on the back and in the back, notwithstanding that
many people have looked everywhere else and studied everything
else everywhere else. I have stuck to the back. Look over every
development I have ever introduced— isn’t that true? The HOW
has been developed into a toggle recoil and then into the new pos­
ture; that is mechanically true and is our best and latest method.
The WAY has been developed by the spinograph. Now comes the
last—the PLACE,— and the PLACE can be determined by the
Neurocalometer. No longer do you need to rely upon the hysteri­
cal patient, or upon the diagnosis of a physician or yourself. There
is no longer any excuse for palpation on the chest, oscultation,
blood pressure machines, heart listening machines, clinical ther­
mometers or anything else, that goes to the root of diagnosis. No
longer do you need to make your analysis or to take my analysis.
By “ hysterical patient” is meant that which the case tells you or
thinks she has inside, which, at best, clears the subject only so far
as it goes.

Upon the strength of the subjective and the objective data, phy­
sicians have diagnosed, and upon that data, subjective and objec­
tive, you analyze. You both start at the same place, and one goes
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