Page 6 - Chiropractor_Vol1_No1
P. 6
mer College Archives4 THE C H I R O P R A C T O R

Chiropractic is a science differing from all other methods of heal­
ing, and has to he learned as one learns Osteopathy, Allopathy or
Homeopathy. Students do well to learn all there is of Chiropractic in
nine months.

There are grafters who will promise to teach you Chiropractic for
any price that, they can get. Some of these “permanently locate” for a
few weeks, and then move to another ‘ ‘permanent location.” We know
of no way to prevent the public from patronizing these frauds, either
as patients or students. We are asked how a fakir can be told from
a graduate. Ask to see his diploma. If he has one from this school
he is all right in his qualifications. For him to say in his literature
that he is a graduate from “ The Volmer School of Chiropractic” shows
that he does not know how to spell Palmer, or that he is willfully
deceiving the public.

One writer gives us a pleasant raking for not having a text book
on Chiropractic. We are placing in print our knowledge of Chiro­
practic as fast as we have time to write it. This literature is free for
the asking. To anyone enclosing a stamp, we will mail to them our
literature, which will inform them just what Chiropractic is, what
it is not, and wherein it differs from other methods. Chiropractic prin­
ciples and adjustments cannot be taught by mail nor from a book.
I could compile all of my literature, including class lectures, and sell
it for $10 a copy; but to the person who desires to become a practi­
tioner by the reading of that book, it would not be worth 5 cents. If
Chiropractic could be taught by mail, or by a text book, we would not
ask your personal attendance for nine months.

Bear in mind Ihat there is no Chiropractic literature, except that
of this school, and such as has been copied from it. Also remember
this fact, when you learn Chiropractic from anyone else outside of the’
discoverer and developer, you get it at least second-handed, and per­
haps third, fourth, fifth, or possibly not at all, as some have learned
to their sorrow. There are persons who will substitute Osteopathic
movements, stretching, or anything else to make up for their lack of
Chiropractic. Chiropractic is distinctly a science differing from all
other modes of healing; the less it is mixed with therapeutical reme­
dies the better.

We are often asked what text books a prospective student should
study in order to assist him before entering the course. Wo.invariably
answer; there are none on the market, for the reason that Chiro­
practic is not anything else but Chiropractic. All text books, including
those of Osteopathy, are founded upon the theory of .treating diseases,
or symptoms. It does not assist a Chiropractic student to have been
erroneously educated on diseases.

Chiropractic is on the market at any price that the purchaser de­
sires to pay. The price and quality is like that of typewriters, which
can be bought (new ones) from 25 cents and on up to $100.
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