Page 8 - Chiropractor_Vol1_No1
P. 8
mer College Archives6 THE C H I R O P R A C T O R


An exchange named “ Backbone” says “ Chiropractic as practiced by
me and by my graduates is not the same system as practiced by any
other practitioners, and should not be confounded with the crude and
unscientific methods employed by so-called Chiropractors who have
lately risen like mushrooms over the country, and some who are
claiming to be the ‘fountain head’ or founders,”

Bro. L. it is not necessary to inform the public that you have
mixed Chiropractic and Osteopathy; for your literature shows that you
use an Osteopath table and a stretching machine. A Chiropractor has
no use tor either of the above appliances. You learned Chiropractic
without any adjuncts, during the year of 1901, at The Palmer School
o f Chiropractic, at Davenport, la. Your “ anterior cervical adjustment,”
is such a bungling throat punch that an Osteopath would be ashamed
to use it. Anyone calling at our office will be shown the “ anterior
cervical adjustment,” also a sample of their way of “ mounting the spine
in situe.” I have no fear of an Osteopath ever using either. I have the
means to show w-ho uses the “ crude and unscientific method.” There
are those who did lay claim to be the discoverers of the principles of
Chiropractic, but the fraud was so palpable that they have now taken
a back seat and state that Chiropractic is not new, that it was prac­
ticed in Australia, Bohemia, the Eastern States and Iowa City years
before Dr. Palmer named it. None of the above statements are definite,
unless it be the one of Iowa City, and that failed to be definite when
they did not produce the name of the person. Now, my boys, Lang-
worthy and Smith, you were faithful students in the classes that
were taught by me in 1889 and 1901, for which you paid the usual fee
of $500. What a pity that you had not discovered in Australia, or
Central Africa, or Bohemia, or Iowa City, the home of Dr. Smith, the
principles that Dr. D. D. Palmer discovered and named Chiropractic,
for by doing so you could have saved $1,500 paid me by three members
of your firm. Now7, boys, you will probably remember of one of our
patients, who stated that when she was a girl she walked on her
father’s back that she might rest him after a hard day’s work. Is not
this the case of “crude” Chiropractic that you are dreaming about?

Since the above persons have ceased to lay claim to being the dis­
coverers and developers of the science of Chiropractic, there is today
only one person who says, and has continued to say for more than
nine years, and has sufficient proof that he is the discoverer and origi­
nator of the chiropractic principles and movements that are now used
by all Chiropractors. That person is Dr. D. D. Palmer, who developed
all there if of Chiropractic except the bifid table. Why should he
not claim to be its originator? Why is he not the primary source from
which all Chiropractors (including the managers of Backbone) learned
their lessons? All Chiropractic principles that are now known were
learned at The Palmer School of Chiropractic, Davenport, Iowa.
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