Page 19 - Round_the_World_with_BJ_1926
P. 19

H E most of the “ copy” of this book w as gleaned from two
separate trips “ ’Round the W o rld .” T h e first to Japan ,
C hina, and K o rea in the w in ter of 1 9 2 1 - 2 2 , and the
second in an eight m onths’ trip during the w in ter and
spring of 19 2 4 -2 5 . W e have combined both stories into
one book.

T h ru o u t the first trip, which included Jap an , C hina and
Korea, the descriptions sent home were exhaustive treatises
of buildings, temples, shrines, palaces, etc. T h is required time and labor
to gather and to w rite, especially w hen travelin g about.
T h is book is, therefore, a composite gathering of the descriptions of
both trips into and as tho it w as one.
T h e author w rotemost all of it on the run— as it was, as it happened,
and when ithappened. W e believe this the best w a y to record the
actual impressions. Some of this M S . w as w ritten w hile being carried
by fou r coolies in a palanquin chair, in jinrikishas, and on trains between
jum ps, w hile actually observing m any things that it w as desired to record
and the actual impressions of immediate observation, but for the most
part notes were made w hile actually sight-seeing and then rewritten
carefu lly at hotels, on trains, and on board ships; in fact the little Corona
was a constant piece of hand baggage.
T h e object of w ritin g up the trip w as to send it home in the form
of w eekly letters, which w ere printed in the au th or’s personal house-
organ, T h e Fountain H ea d N eius, which w as then published and sent
forth to all his chiropractic professional fam ily from w eek to week.
References here and there perhaps need explanation; without this ex­
planation the personalisms w ould be out of place.
A t various places in this book w ill appear apparently contradictory

language such as “ 1,” or “ w e ,” or “ the speaker,” or “ the auth or.” T h is

w ill be so because parts of this production were w ritten by B . J . enroute
on the tra v e l; parts of it w ere w ritten by B . J . and M a b e l; other parts
are the product of his typew riter after returning home which w ere
never read over the air, hence “ the author,” and other parts are direct
applications of ideas which w ere broadcast over the air, hence “ the
speaker.” W e trust that our audience w ill make the proper allowances
when reading.

T h e letters w ere not w ritten w ith any idea of publication in book
form . T h e y are now reprinted, as is, w ith that explanation due the

T h e author w as constantly on the search for publications, authors
and authorities w ho could, and did, correctly state the facts and issues
w hich he had verified to be true. W e are glad to give credit to various

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