Page 24 - Round_the_World_with_BJ_1926
P. 24
11 ’Round the World with B. J .

trip thoroughly with their Davenport agent, G us Ficke, who made a trip
to Boston, where he talked us over w ith the head officers. G u s ! icke
had been sold to us, therefore he w ent E a st and sold us to his firm .

T h e y scouted around and fin ally secured a retired E n glish M a jo r to
act as our guide. H e is retired, having served fifteen years in In dia
and five years in E gyp t. H e talks m any languages— E gyp tian, French ,
Italian , Swiss, R ussian, the dialects of In dia, etc. H e knows the coun­
tries w e are most interested in w an tin g to know.

W e chose the Raym ond & W hitcom b Co. W e traveled independent.
O u r time w as unlim ited to w h at w e w anted to see. T h e price of inde­
pendent touring is higher and the charges o f Raym ond & W hitcom b
m ay be sligh tly higher, but the value o f the service is so much greater
than the trifle additional cost that it paid us many times over.

T h e schedule being subject to our convenience, on time and locations,
w e got into the interiors of the countries. W e spent practically five
months on the first trip and practically eight months on the second.

W e found that Raym ond & W hitcom b were rated very highly every­
w here by all organizations that cater to tourists. W e w ere immensely
pleased w ith the direct service rendered us and when w e make fu ture
trips it w ill be the same w ay and w ith the same company.

The Route in General

B y rail, D avenport to San Francisco, C aliforn ia.
B y boat, San Francisco to H onolulu, H . I.
B y boat, H onolulu to Yokoham a, Jap an . T o u red Japan .
B y rail, Yokoham a to Shimonoseki to Fusan, Korea.
B y rail, Fusan, through K o re a to M u kd en , M an ch u ria.
B y rail, M u kd en to Peking, C hina.
B y rail, Peking to Shanghai.
B y boat, Shanghai to H ong K ong. V ictoria Island.
B y boat, H ong K on g to M an ila, Philippine Islands.
B y boat, Back to H on g Kong.

Changed boats at H on g K o n g to M essa g en es M a ritim e , French Line.
B y boat, H ong K ong to T ou rain e and Saigon, Indo-China.
Sam e boat to Singapore, M a la y States.
B y rail, to Jahore, K au lu a Lum pur and Penang, M a lay States.
B y rail, from Penang to Bangkok, Siam.
B y rail, boat, etc., throughout Siam.
B y rail, Bangkok to Penang.
C hange to Bibbv L in e boats to R angoon, B urm a.
Rangoon, Bibby Lin e boats to C alcutta, India.
B y rail, C alcutta to Bom bay, via Benares, A gra, Caw npore, D elhi, J a i ­

pur, U d aip u r, M t. A b u , etc. C rossing In dia from E ast to
W est.
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