Page 23 - Round_the_World_with_BJ_1926
P. 23
roductory XYll

the port towns, and very little of the internal parts of the countries
through which you pass.

Assum e a G erm an wished to make this “ ’ round the w o rld cruise.”
H e w ould come to N e w Y o rk , get aboard, and he w ould “ see” N e w
Y o rk . T h e y pass down the A tla n tic to H avan a and “ see” all of Cuba
in H a v a n a in one or two days. T h e y pass through the Panam a C an al,
up the Pacific to San Pedro, to the port of L o s A n geles and spend one
or tw o days there, and thence on to San Francisco. H e w ould spend
one or two days there m otoring around, after which this same Germ an
could, and probably w ou ld, say that he “ had seen A m e ric a.” H e has
not only not seen A m erica but he hasn’t seen any of the real U nited
States. N ew Y ork, Los Angeles, and San Francisco are not typical
United States cities and neither has he seen any of the real Am erican
People; their methods, customs, or ways.

T h a t is p ractically the w a y these “ ’ round the w o rld cruises” see the
w o rld or the countries they “ h it” the port towns of.

D id we want that ? Certainly n o t!
M ab el, D ave and I w ere going to jau n t around the w o rld . T h e re
is a difference between racing, traveling, and jaunting. In the latter
you take more time and come and go with more leisure.
T h ere are several kinds of w ays to g o :
F ir s t; w ith a special private chartered boat, under the guidance of
some touring agency such as C o ok ’s, Raym ond & W hitcom b, A m erican
Express, etc. In these large groups, hundreds are herded about from
tow n to tow n, country to country, like people on “ rubber-neck” wagons.
T h is w ould not do fo r us because w e have been so used to crow ds that
we w an t to get aw ay from them— that is w h at a vacation means, at
least to us.
Second; to travel independent. T o come and go under our own
arrangements, buy our own tickets, w o rry ourselves through as best we
could, etc. T h is h ard ly w ould do for us because w e did not w an t to
be bothered w ith detail, for that w ould be too much like run ning the
P .S .C . at home.
T h ir d ; travel on an all-inclusive, privately-m anaged, independent tour.
B y this is meant one fee includes everything from San Francisco until
we sail from C herbourg, Fran ce. It is p rivately m anaged because we
have one man who travels w ith us as business m anager and private
gu id e; relieving us of every w o rry and responsibility. H e makes all
reservations fo r boats, trains, hotels, etc., in advance. H e pays all bills
of every kind and nature. It is independent because there are no others
to be considered at any stage of this entire trip but ourselves, and the
manager follow s our likes and dislikes, our pleasures and wishes.
W h en w e fin ally decided the plan, it w as then a question of the most
w orthy, reliable, and responsible firm to fu lfill our desires. I made
several trips and investigated thoroughly, taking much advice from
form er travelers. I studied the Raym ond after which we decided on the Raym ond & W hitcom b. I w ent into the
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