Page 20 - Round_the_World_with_BJ_1926
P. 20
’Round the World with B. J.

w orks for their splendidly w orded descriptions of certain places, some

of which we have extracted. It is impossible for an author to have

taken the time to spend years, such as they have done, to gather the

m easurements and historic, as w ell as exact, data.

Both of these trips have also been broadcast over radiophone station

w oe. ..

T h e se talks became so popular to the estimated four m illion people

who “ listened in” regularly every T uesday and Frid ay nights that, as a
result, over 50,000 requests came in by letter, postal, and w ire, insisting

that they be published— so here they are.
Subsequent to the publication of these talks, in their original form ,

they w ere given, in person, in snatches here or there to m any luncheon

T h e W O C radio audience w ill please note that, w hile the speaker

assumes a certain position on the m issionary question, every Sunday

night the pastor of one of several different denominational churches

fills our W O C pulpit in carrying the G ospel to our audiences, which
proves that both sides of this most vital question have an opportunity

to be heard. It seems that this answ ers every criticism that has been

directed in rebuttal to this speaker’s position.
W h a t a man is not up on, he is down on. T h a t is to say, that a man

cannot be a m aster of every subject that he sees, studies, becomes in ­

terested in, or talks about— or even sets dow n in a book. I t should be

every m an’s object to become as efficient and state him self as accurately

as possible— but, even here, it is not given fo r every man to know the

exacting minute detail of every subject that he m ight desire to see and

then describe to another via the printed page. T h e reader as w ell as the

radio audience must and should clearly understand by this time that the
speaker is not a member of any of the religions or sects or creeds that

he has studied or investigated on these trips around the w orld, therefore

he is not posted on any of their massive intricacies of form s and ceremonies.

T h ose w ho are, therefore, should be considerate of any mistakes that he

m ay have made in tryin g to describe them. A s a traveler, he presents his

impressions, which, from a strictly ecclesiastical or religious language

could be stated w ro n gly. W h a te ve r the mistake, if such it be, the w rite r

gladly corrects it to w hatever the follow er of that religion knows that it

should b e ; the w ords in this book m ay not actually change, but the intent

T h e speaker is prone to w eigh the mass of m aterial at his command,

pick out the things he thinks of human interest and speak about these;

and perhaps in so doing passes up much that m ight come to your minds.

W e did ask our radio audience to feel perfectly free to ask questions

and w e answered them to the best of our a b ility ; in this w a y you can

check us on the issues that are vita l to your minds. In this w a y we

made these travel talks personal between us in clearing up problems

that might otherwise continue as such.
W e have already received many questions. Some of them deal with
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