Page 25 - Round_the_World_with_BJ_1926
P. 25
Introductory XIX

B y rail, Bom bay to M ad u ra, via Trichinopoly, M adras, crossing India
from the northwest to the southeast corner.

B y rail, M ad u ra to T u ticorin .
B y boat, T uticorin, India, to Ceylon.
B y rail, Ceylon to Columbo, Ceylon.
B y auto, Colum bo to K a n d y and N u w a ra E liy a back to Colum bo.
B y boat, M o o ltan to P o rt Said, E gyp t, via A den, A rab ia.
B y rail, P o rt Said to C airo.
B y rail, C airo to L u xor, and return.
B y rail, C airo to H aifa, Syria.
B y auto, 850 m iles, to B eiru t, B allbeck, Dam ascus, N azareth , Jeru salem ,

Palestine, Bethlehem , etc. throughout the H o ly Land.
B y rail, Jeru salem to C airo, Egypt.
B y rail, to A lexan dria.
B y boat, ( Sa rd egn a ) to N aples, Italy.
B y auto, N aples to Sorrento and return.
B y rail, N aples to Rome, Florence, Venice and M ilan .
B y rail, M ila n to V illa D u Este, L ak e Como, etc.
B y rail, L ake Como to Stressa, Italy.
B y rail, Stressa, to M ontreux, Sw itzerland, through Simplon T un n el.
B y rail, M on treu x to Interlaken.
B y rail, In terlaken to Lucerne, L a k e Lu cern e, etc.
B y rail, L a k e Lucern e to B asil.
B y rail, B asil, Sw itzerland, to Paris, France.
B y aeroplane, P aris, Fran ce, to C roydon, E n glan d .
B y rail, London to Southampton, England.
B y steamer, B eren g a ria to N e w "York, U . S. A .
B y rail, N e w Y o r k to Chicago, 20th C en tu ry L im ited — which w as too

B y rail, Chicago to home at D avenport, Iow a, by Rocky M ountain L im ­

ited, Rock Island Lines, which dragged every minute.

General Items

Tim e all told (both trip s), y123 months.
Tim e consumed on w ater, 5 months.

T o ta l mileage, 60,225 miles.

Continents, 5.

Countries, 22.

Oceans, seas, etc., 18.

A m erica A sia C O N T IN E N T S A ra b ia Europe
A frica
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